

The Architectural and Urban Design Wing has been rendering valuable service right from the stage of formulation up to completion of projects in a co-ordinate manner with Engineering and Planning Wing since its inception. The Branch is headed by a  Executive Architect  deputed from the  office of the Chief Architect, ,Bhubaneswar as Architect Member who is looking after the architectural affairs. The role of Architectural and Urban Design wing encompasses many aspects as follows:
•    Evaluation of Architectural concept, preparation of conceptual plan and feasibility study on spatial dimensions of the projects
•    Detailed working drawings and broad specifications.
•    Project Planning and drawings.
•    Conducts architectural design competition.
•    Co-ordination with Engineering and Planning Wing during execution of the project and gives advice with respect to architectural planning and design aspects.
•    Planning for residential houses, commercial complexes, institutional and administrative buildings etc. which includes layout, designs sections, elevations etc.
•    Landscape plan and design for open spaces, Temple area, park and playgrounds.

PDA has also been discharging some social obligations of providing houses and developed plots to people of different income groups at affordable costs. These assets created / developed by PDA are litigation free, provided with infrastructural facilities and as such are much in demand. The Allotment Branch has a very vital role to play in allotment and disposal of these assets to various allottees. The Branch functions under the direct charge of Allotment Officer.

Demand survey of Assets
In order to assess the commercial viability and demand of any project, the Allotment Branch conducts a demand survey by way of giving advertisement in local Dailies/Notice boards etc. for inviting applications from the general public.

Preparation of Brochure
Basing on the response received from the demand survey and after assessing the need for such projects in the locality, the Allotment Branch makes an assessment of the viability of a project. If the project is found viable, the allotment Branch prepares Brochure through Brochure Committee containing terms and conditions of allotment, payment schedule, format of applications and affidavit etc. obtaining relevant information from Legal, Finance, and Engineering Branches, and floats advertisements inviting applications from the general public for lunching of a project/scheme.

Allotment of Assets

Principles of Allotment
•    After receipt of all applications from the intending applicants in response to the advertisements, the Allotment Branch makes scrutiny. After scrutiny of all applications, the process of allotment starts as per conditions of the Brochure taking into account the information furnished by applicants.
•    If the number of application is more than the nos. of assets available, successful applications are selected through a public lottery. Prior to the lottery all the applicants are informed about date, time and venue of the same in order to ensure their presence on the occasion.
•    If the number of the applications are to be found less than the assets available, allotment is made on “first-come-first served basis” keeping in view the date of payment of application money.
•    In some cases considering the public demand, applicants are also selected through public auction.

To facilitate the allotees in sanction of loan facilities from financial institutions, the Allotment Branch provides mortgage permission and executes the tripartite agreement with the bank or financial institution from where the allottees like to avail loan for this propose. NOC are issued on request of allottees.

Allotment Branch also grants permission to the allottees to transfer their assets to other intending persons after payment of required processing fees and on fulfillment of all other formalities as prescribed by PDA under the following circumstances.
•    Disposal of assets after delivery of possession after observing due formalities before execution of deed.
•    Disposal of assets after delivery of possession and after execution of lease-deed.
•    Disposal of assets before delivery of possession.

In order to dispose of the old assets which remain unsold, Allotment Branch takes measures for publicity and advertisement at regular intervals for sale of such assets.

If an allottee is found to be in default of payment of EMD, then the Allotment Branch issues default notices. In case of non-compliance the notices, the allotment of asset is cancelled. On cancellation of allotment, the amount deposited by the allottee is refunded after deducting required fees as per condition of the Brochure. After cancellation, the vacant assets are re-allotted to the intending persons on payment.

If an allottee wants to refund/withdraw the allotment, the money deposited is sanctioned by the Allotment Branch after deduction of required fee as per conditions of Brochure. After refund of deposited amount, steps are taken to re-allot the vacant assets to other intending persons on payment of cost.

The Engineering Branch in PDA at present. Branch is headed by an Executive Engineer,R&B who is assisted by a team of Asst. Engineers, Junior Engineers and other supporting staff. The overall charge of the Engineering Branch lies with the Engineer Member. These engineering divisions are responsible for implementing different developmental projects like housing, plotted development schemes, commercial/market complexes, horticulture schemes and other infrastructural developmental facilities.
•    Ongoing Projects
•    Future Projects

With objective to keep the industrial city encroachment-free, Enforcement Branch in PDA was created under the provisions of ODA Act 1982 to regulate and prevent unauthorized constructions and encroachments. The scope of these activities not only includes Paradip but also the master plan areas of Paradip Development Authority. This Branch takes up execution of demolition orders passed by Secretary, PDA under provision of Section- 91 & 92 of ODA Act. This Branch functions under the direct charge of Enforcement Officer.

This Branch initiates action against unauthorized construction and for deviated constructions made against the approved plan on private / lease land and evict the encroachment on Government lands. PDA also independently removes constructions undertaken obstructing the natural drainage channel in Paradip Master Plan area. In case of non-compliance of order of PDA it files prosecution in Civil Court .

Establishment section plays a vital role in administration of the Organization.

All appointment in any cadre is being dealt in Establishment Section. On requirement of any post in any cadre it is sanctioned by the competent authority as per ODA Act and rules. On sanction of the posts due formalities are maintained for filling up the post.

TRANSFER It is duty of the Establishment Officer to transfer the suitable hands to the adequate place for the greater interest of the Organization. Beside this as prevailing practice reshuffling is being made among the staff of the Organization at the instance of three years.

For effective administration, some times it is necessary to initiate disciplinary proceedings and adequate related action against the employees at fault.

All personal cases of individual employee engaged under any category is being dealt in Establishment Section along with their C.C.R. Records all personnel cases of deputation staff are also being dealt in Establishment Section. All their personal cases are being dealt in Establishment Section.

All questions relating to PDA are complied in Establishment Section and sent to the concerned Department for reply in the assembly.

Purchase of vehicles and its repair and maintenance.

All contingency expenditures of Organization are sanctioned.

All types of advertisement relating to housing, plotted development, market complexes appointment etc along with payment thereof/

Some times it is felt necessary to depute different official to attend training in and out of the state. Besides staff of PDA are regularly deputed to Madhusudan Training Institute to attend accounts training.

It is the duty of Establishment Section to arrange and manage the meetings in and out of the PDA with different Organizations and officials for greater interest of PDA. Besides it is a regular duty to arrange the authority meeting in every 2-3 months.

All types of advance sanctioned besides for betterment of the staff, permits them to avail cash loan from different financial Organization. Reimbursement of RCM bills is being sanctioned. Besides this L.T.C,E.P.F and house rent of employees concerned are being dealt.

For smooth supply of office Stationeries a separate store is functioning under the control of Establishment Section. Besides the supply of Stationery it deals with printing of various documents.

GIC & LIC premium are being paid to the competent authority for employees concerned. Besides sanction of conveyance allowance are examined in Establishment Section and sanctioned to the eligible officials.

Management of funds and proper exercise of control for a better fiscal discipline is of pivotal importance for any organization. PDA has a Financial Wing under the charge of Finance Member. This wing looks into preparation and approval of the annual budget of the Authority, maintenance of cash and accounts, conduct of annual audit, administration of loans and borrowings from different agencies, release of funds for execution of projects / schemes, collection of dues, Government guarantee, day-to-day transactions and overall financial management of the Authority. The Finance Member is assisted by other supporting staff.

Possession and acquisition of land is pivotal for taking up various schemes by any development authority. Implementation of housing, commercial and infrastructural development projects largely depends on the extent of land in the possession of the authority or the implementing agency.  Paradip Development Authority generally acquires land from Govt. in Rev. Dept. Since the availability of Govt. land in prime localities in the development authority area is being minimized, new citizen-friendly methods for acquiring land are being contemplated for implementation of various schemes.

The Legal Section has been entrusted with the duty of coordinating all legal matters of the Authority right from the institution of cases up to their final disposal in various courts. The legal Section collects Para-wise comments from concerned branches and prepares the rejoinder/ counters / affidavits and files it in respective courts of law. This Section monitors stage-wise progress of cases relating to various Branches / Sections relating to several courts for facilitating flow of information/documents though Legal Retainer / Advocates. PDA has engaged one Legal Retainer and has also a panel of advocates for dealing with cases in different courts of law.

This Section deals with the cases filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court, National Commission, Hon’ble High Court, Stage Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Odisha, Cuttack and other subordinate courts like District Judge, Additional District Judge, Civil Judge (Sr. Division), Civil Judge (Jr. Division), S.D.J.M. and District Consumer forum. Besides this, the cases filed before the Labour Court , Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, E.S.I., Member, Board of Revenue etc. are dealt with in this section.

In order to regulate development, the Paradip Development authority was constituted in the year, 2005 under the provisions of ODA Act. By virtue of this Act, the Planning Branch of PDA under takes various exercises on planning and development of the area under the jurisdiction of the Authority. The Planning Member is the Head of Planning Branch and is being supported with other staff.

.Planning Member looks after the preparation of Development Plans

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